- Albino Bat
- Alpha Ferret Pirate
- Arcane Parrot
- Armored Baby Red Dragon 15
- Baby Red Dragon
- Baby Shadow Dragon
- Battle Grumpy
- Battle Trollolol
- Black Kitten
- Blazin' Quibble Bank Pet
- Blue Trobble
- Bookworm
- Bright Paragon Pet
- Brown Wolf
- Bunny
- Captain Puppet PET
- Celestial Sword of Nulgath Pet
- Chaos Wolf
- Chibi Fox
- Chicken
- Chimera of Vadriel
- Coin of Nulgath (Rare)
- Courage Battlemoglin
- Courage Moglin
- Crag & Bamboozle
- Crazy Hair Alien Pet
- Dack Pet
- Dark Bloodtear
- Dark Crystal
- Dark Wolf
- Dark Wolf Pup
- Daro AxeGrinder
- DeadM4UG Bank Pet
- Death Doll
- Dragon Jade
- Drake Worm
- Drudgen the Assistant
- Empty Death
- Epic Green Caterpillar
- Faberge Red
- Fairy
- Files 150k
- Fire Flies
- Flame Butterfly
- Flying Moglin
- Frost Beetle
- Gargoyle
- Gingerbread Slime Pet
- Green Moglin
- Green Rat
- Grey Hawk
- Groveborn Defender’s Battle Pet
- Groveborn Defender’s Companion
- Grrrberus Bloodhound
- Grumpy Cat
- Grumpy Moglin
- Ice Giant Pet
- Icepwny
- Kawaii Tiger(Second gift)
- Kitten
- Kiwi the Sneevil Mercenary!
- Leather Wing
- Legendary Trollolol Moglin
- Like a Battlemoglin
- Like A Moglin
- Lorestuck Battlemoglin
- Lorestuck Moglin
- Mana Pi
- Mana Pipette
- Mini Aranx Pet(Daily)
- Mini Miltonius
- Mini Skeleton
- Moglin Artist
- Nimbo
- Pancake Battlemoglin
- Pancake Moglin
- Paper Plane
- Paragon Pet
- Parrot Pet
- Parrotgon Pet
- Peg Leg Pirate Pet
- Penguin
- Pirate Paragon Bank Pet
- Red Moglin
- Red Shell Turtle
- Reindragon
- Riptooth the Husky
- Risen Shadow Pet
- Sage the Purple Moglin
- Sergeant Snipps the Barber
- Silver Draglin
- Slender Battlemoglin
- Slendermog
- Slime
- Snifflewaggle
- Snowball
- Spirit Good
- Stumpy
- Sword Of Nulgath
- Twilly Bank Pet
- ULTRA Moglinhead
- Undead Wolf
- Unicornasaurus Rex
- Void Dragon
- Yellow Moglin
- Zard
- Zorbak B Huffy
- Zorbak Bank Pet